Pilgrim Nostalgia

Nostalgia, Greek for the pain of homesickness, is my constant companion. I imagine that such is the case for many, if not all, immigrants, exiles, and refugees. Men and women who serve tours in the military, work in diplomacy, or … Continue reading

Life’s Dramatic Irony

How poor are they that have not patience! What wound did ever heal but by degrees? — Iago, Othello Dramatic irony: that moment when, as a reader, you know more of the actual story than do the characters. It’s sometimes … Continue reading

The Comfort of the Pure

When placed in the presence of greatness, we tend to feel our own inadequacies. Perfect things make us feel uncomfortable. They tend to highlight our failings in a way that nothing else can. A counterfeit or replicated piece of art … Continue reading

The Gift above all others

“I keep praying, but God’s not listening.” This woman was in distress. She lay in her hospital bed, with tubes protruding out of her arms and beeps pulsating the air. She was recovering from one surgery in a series of … Continue reading

Truth, Beauty, and Citrus Fruit

The Dominican Order has a long history of producing preacher-poets. A preacher-poet, to appropriate the thought of Dana Gioia, is one who “understands the necessary relationship between truth and beauty, which is… an essential form of human knowledge—intuitive, holistic, and … Continue reading

Forever 21

My list of pet peeves is short, and it runs like this: traffic, small dogs, and shopping. Fate has ruled that I shall always dislike these three things, and there’s no help for it. But for now, I want to … Continue reading

The Smiling Face of Terror

The Muslim holy season of Ramadan this year has been marred by major terrorist attacks by radical Islamic militants all around the world, from our own nation, to Turkey, Iraq, and others. Reading an article about the bombings in Bangladesh, … Continue reading

Don’t be Nice. Be Excellent.

“Be excellent to each other” is not only the catch-phrase of an 80s cult classic but also an excellent guide to life. And despite its dubious origin, there is wisdom contained in the memorable phrase, a wisdom of which we … Continue reading

Pious Patriotism

This day in the United States is often marked by an outpouring of patriotic fervor. But in troubled times (which are, perhaps, every time), it can be difficult to square patriotism with devotion to God, or even simply with right … Continue reading

Junipero Serra and Apathy

Last year many of us Dominican friars here in D.C. were fortunate to attend the canonization Mass of Saint Junipero Serra officiated by Pope Francis. Serra, a Franciscan friar and the “Apostle to California” whose feast we celebrate today, was … Continue reading

The Divine Horizon

St. Augustine enjoyed watching lizards catch flies. He also confessed that he would become quite distracted at the sight of a dog hot on a rabbit’s heels, or a spider entangling its prey (Confessions, 10.35.57). Although he blames himself for … Continue reading

A Papal Correction

It’s a heavy burden to correct the pope, but sometimes a saint has to do what a saint has to do. Likewise, sometimes a saint has to gird himself like a man and receive that correction. In his Letter to … Continue reading

Home Is Where the Heart Is

“Home is where the heart is” and “life is a journey” are familiar sayings, too familiar to carry profound meaning for most of us. But they do connect to a Christian tradition almost as old as the Church itself. This … Continue reading

The Cross and Desalination

Br. Joseph wrote about offering it up and relaxation a few weeks ago. My consideration today will focus in a little bit more on hardships offered up. Maybe you heard your parents or grandparents use the classic Catholic expression “offer … Continue reading

The Birth of the Baptist

Today, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. John the Baptist is part of an elite company (with Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary) whom the Church honors the births of in Her liturgical … Continue reading

The Roots of Charity

This summer, I have been working in Youngstown, Ohio, at the St. Vincent de Paul Society Soup Kitchen. Each day, we feed about 200 of the poor in the city. Some are homeless, some have been abandoned, some are sick … Continue reading

Between Creation and the Kingdom

While it is true that single-celled organisms like yeast are alive and that certain pine trees can survive for over 5000 years, they can only begin to resemble the complex, gregarious, and highly active life of the honey bee. Yet … Continue reading

Christianity in Diversity

In our contemporary culture, one Christian claim is harder than all others for people to accept: that Christianity is not merely true, but that it is the truth. Few deny that Christ is a helpful guide or an admirable model, … Continue reading

It’s Good to Serve the King

“The Lord, our All-Powerful God, is King; let us rejoice, sing praise, and give Him glory! Alleluia!” In our society of the popular vote, rejoicing under the domination of a king is inconceivable. We view kings as despotic and tyrannical, … Continue reading

Holy Diversity

Who are the saints? What are they like? I recently heard a priest explain, “saints are like stained glass—they let the light in.” I have had ample opportunity to reflect upon this beautiful image while living at St. Vincent Ferrer Church … Continue reading

The City of Dreaming Spires

A university is much like heaven—or the medievals meant it to be, at least. Take, for instance, Oxford University: the quintessence of higher learning for English speakers since the eleventh century.  In his poem “Thyrsis,” Matthew Arnold famously termed Oxford … Continue reading

Embarrassed Dignity

The parable of the Prodigal Son is among the most famous teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ. This parable has been proposed as the icon of God’s mercy in the preaching of our three recent Popes, who have stressed how … Continue reading

His Eucharistic Heart

A little over a month ago, the bishop of Legnica, Poland, announced that the relics of an apparent Eucharistic miracle would be made available in his diocese for the adoration of the faithful. The episcopal approval comes at a propitious … Continue reading

Suffer the Little Children

Marriage is being threatened by the law in many nations, and it seems that the best that can be hoped for in the legal sphere is some small semblance of protection for religious liberty. Sheltered in the care of Mother … Continue reading