To enroll as a member in the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary, Eastern Province, please fill out the form below **IF YOUR STATE IS NOT LISTED YOU HAVE THE WRONG PROVINCE.
Since the Confraternity is organized regionally, this website is only able to enroll members who live within the Province of St. Joseph-Eastern Province of the United States. See the link here if you are unsure which Province you live in.
Membership in the Rosary Confraternity is open to all the Catholic lay faithful as well as to priests and religious. Members promise to recite the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary over the course of each week and to include the other members and their intentions in their prayers. This obligation does not bind under pain of sin. For more information about the spiritual benefits, obligations, and conditions of membership, click here.
Note: Although many people desire to enroll others, we ask that you only submit an enrollment request on behalf of yourself, with the understanding that one is making a life-long promise to pray fifteen decades of the Rosary each week. One must be old enough to choose this freely and should normally have received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Children under the age of reason (typically seven) are not able to make this commitment and therefore cannot be enrolled.
Membership in the Rosary Confraternity is entirely free and there are no enrollment fees associated with joining the Confraternity. The work of the Confraternity is sustained entirely by donations and the purchase of items available through the Confraternity (see our Gift Shop). ENROLLMENTS are processed monthly. Once your enrollment has been processed and your name has been inscribed in the register, you will receive a membership card in the mail.