Preaching in Lystra

When Paul and Barnabas heal a crippled man at Lystra while proclaiming the Gospel there, the miracle at first seems to backfire. By preaching in Lystra, they intended to turn the locals away from idolatry to the true worship of … Continue reading

The Sleep of the Saved

Recounting his own reaction to the United States joining the United Kingdom in the Second World War in December 1941—an act Winston Churchill perceived as a sure sign of eventual victory—the British prime minister wrote, “Being saturated and satiated with … Continue reading

Remember What God Has Done

However, take care and be earnestly on your guard not to forget the things which your own eyes have seen, nor let them slip from your memory as long as you live, but teach them to your children and to … Continue reading

A Helper to Till the Garden

In the Genesis passage at Mass today, God seeks to create a suitable “helper” for the man he placed in the garden. We know the rest of the story. God presents the newly formed woman to the man, who exclaims: … Continue reading