Her Reign Continues

Today’s feast of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a reminder that modern sensibilities still struggle with the idea of monarchs with real power. But, if we understand monarchy through a more classical lens, we realize that the … Continue reading

In Defence of “Thoughts and Prayers”

After a tragedy, politicians take to Twitter and TV and offer their “thoughts and prayers” to victims and families. For some it seems to be an automatic response to terrible suffering. In the last two months there has been a … Continue reading

The Boundaries of Authenticity

Your boss just gave you a “coaching.” You don’t agree with him, but you sheepishly nod your head and then play your part. Then you talk to a customer; you say several polite things so as to stay in character. … Continue reading

Burdened under the Law

The Church’s moral law has received attention in the public square for many years now, on topics ranging from contraception to torture. These sorts of discussions take place within the Church as well, as seen in the current discussion on … Continue reading